Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Love Your Neighbor


Day 1 (Monday): Read 1 Peter 1:13-25. How would you define "loving your neighbor" in your own words? What does it look like? What doesn't look like?

Day 2 (Tuesday): Peter encourages believers to "prepare their minds for action" (1 Peter 1:13). How can having a prepared mind affect our ability to love neighbors effectively?

Day 3 (Wednesday): According to the scripture in 1 Peter 1, we are called to be holy in all we do. When we think of "holiness," our minds ought to think of Jesus. Pursuing holiness isn't about becoming perfect by our own standards or strength but seeking to conform to the ways of Jesus. How can this understanding of holiness influence your interactions with others (especially those that irritate you)?

Day 4 (Thursday): Peter mentions "fervent love" (1 Peter 1:22). What does fervent love look like in practical terms when it comes to loving our neighbors? This passage talks about the cost of redemption through Christ's sacrifice. How can the concept of sacrifice love inspire us to love our neighbors sacrificially?

Day 5 (Friday): Consider these questions - What are some common challenges or obstacles you face in loving your neighbors? How can you overcome these challenges?

Day 6 (Saturday): Consider these questions - How can the body of Christ, working through Life Groups and the larger church community actively demonstrate love for your neighbors? What are some ideas or experiences that show love to our neighbors?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Become Zealous To Do Good


Day 1 (Monday):  Read Matthew 7:13-14. Think about all the places you have been near and far. If you had to do it all over again, would you live somewhere different? Why or why not?

Day 2 (Tuesday): When we think about where we'd like to live, retire, etc., we often think about finances, politics, quality of life, and so on. In Jeremiah 29, God guides his people living in a foreign land of exile, encouraging them to strive to thrive where they are. Read Jeremiah 29:4-7. What stands out to you in these verses? Hod these verses related to the idea of loving your community.

Day 3 (Wednesday): In Jeremiah 29:7, God says: "but seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." How do we practically accomplish this mission as a church, in a life group, and as an individual?

Day 4 (Thursday): Read 1 Peter 3:8. What common challenges or obstacles can hinder us from loving and serving our community? How can we overcome them?

Day 5 (Friday): Read Matthew 7:12. How can we build stronger relationships with our neighbors and community members? What are some practical ideas for getting to those around us better? How can I put at least one of these in practice this week?

Day 6 (Saturday): Read 1 Peter 3:13. Pray for the needs of your neighbors and local community.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Work And Keep the Land


After completing this week's GPS, the big idea is to reflect on your role in your community. What actions or changes can you make to better "love where you live."

Day 1 (Monday): What's been the best work you've ever done or been a part of? What made it good?

Day 2 (Tuesday): Read Genesis 2:4-17. What stands out to you in this passage? How can we, as Christians, contribute to the flourishing and resources around us?

Day 3 (Wednesday): In Genesis 2:15, God places Adam in the Garden of Eden "to work it and keep it." Indeed, God, in His infinite creativity, could have created a garden so that it would take care of itself! Could you imagine it?!? Why does God put Adam (and you and I) in charge of "working and keeping the land?"

Day 4 (Thursday): It's obvious, based on Genesis 2:15, and the rest of scripture for that matter, that God has given us, His creatures, a responsibility to care for creation and our environment. How can we apply this principle to our communities today? How can we be good stewards of the land and resources around us?

Day 5 (Friday): Genesis 2:18-24 describes the creation of Eve as a helper and partner for Adam. How does partnership and community building relate to loving where we live? Where have you experienced great help as you have worked and served?

Day 6 (Saturday): Genesis 2:8 mentions the tree of life. Jesus gives us life through his death on a cross/tree (reference Deuteronomy 21:123, Galatians 3:13). How can we share this life with others? How can we share this life with those around us?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

My Least Favorite Part Of The Lord's Prayer

Pastor Travis's message for 9/10/2023 was entitled "My Least Favorite Part Of The Lord's Prayer."


Here is this week's Grow - Pray - Study (GPS) guide to help you grow in love & forgiveness for one another.

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 32:1-2.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 32:5.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 13:8.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 13:9.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 13:10.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 18:1-5.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Deny, Take Up, Follow

Jesus Bearing the Cross

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Jeremiah 15:16.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Jeremiah 15:19.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 12:12.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 12:16.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 12:21.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 16:24-25.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Firm Foundation

Scott-blake-QeoXIpZirNs-unsplashPhoto by Scott Blake on Unsplash

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Isaiah 51:1-3.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Isaiah 51:4-6.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 11:33-36.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 12:1-2.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 12:3-8.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 16:13-20.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Faith Beyond Boundaries

Jim-witkowski-fxJCc3oBHCM-unsplashPhoto by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Isaiah 56:1.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Isaiah 56:6-8.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 11:1-2.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 11:13-15.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 11:28-32.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 15:21-28.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Blessed Among Women

Ben-white-qYanN54gIrI-unsplashPhoto by Ben White on Unsplash

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 45:10-13.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 45:14-17.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Galatians 4:4-7.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Luke 1:46-49.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Luke 1:50-52.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Luke 1:53-55.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Limited Resources

Tim-mossholder-EMBbb0mJ2O4-unsplashPhoto by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Before you start this week's GPS, please review our Serve page and prayerfully consider where God wants you to volunteer at Christ Luthern Church La Mesa.

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 136:1-3.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 136:3-4.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 136:5-7.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 136:8-9.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Isaiah 55:1-5.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 14:13-21,

Now that you have prayerfully considered all this week where God wants to use you at Christ Lutheran Church La Mesa, please sign up on our Volunteer page.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.

Unearthed Treasures

Beth-macdonald-a1O67ZQmaYc-unsplashPhoto by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Deuteronomy 7:6-7.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Deuteronomy 7:8-9.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 8:28-32.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 8:33-35.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 8:36-39.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthews 13:44-52.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.