Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

James Series

Prayer Power


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Day 1: Read James 5:13-14. Powerful prayer warriors are powerful prayer warriors for one simple reason, no matter what they pray. Consider your prayers the past week, what have you prayed the most for? Most of all, take time today to pray!

Day 2: Read James 5:15-16. Who is a prayer warrior that you know? Why do you consider that person a prayer warrior? How might you follow their example? Most of all, take time today to pray!

Day 3: Read James 5:17. When I read that verse, I am fascinated with that word earnestly. The phrase gets translated that he prayed “earnestly” or “fervently”. But do you know what it actually says? “He prayed with prayer.” It just repeats it. “Elijah prayed, praying!’ Most of all, take time today to pray!

Day 4: Read James 5:18. As you have prayed this week, have you been praying “The 5 Prayer Challenge”? If not, do so today. If you have, thank you, stay calm and keep on praying! Most of all, take time today to pray!

Day 5: Read James 5:19. Prayer is not just about you and God being on the same page but realizing together we are part of God’s family. What affects one, affects us all. Who are you praying for to come to know Jesus? Most of all, take time today to pray!

Day 6: Read James 5:20. I think of that verse as I pray when I pray that 5th mission petition from the Prayer Challenge: God, I pray _____ becomes part of your family. With some of the names I pray, I pray they come to know Jesus for the first time. But for some of the names I pray, I pray they come back to God’s family. Never give up praying for people you know and love to come to know Jesus. Most of all, take time today and all your days to pray!.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

Long Fuse Living In A Short Fuse World


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The Patience Formula - “Be patient.” (James 5:7a):

Troubles + Time x Trust = Patience

Day 1: Read James 5:7. We think of patience and just sitting passively waiting and wondering. James doesn’t see the long fuse of patience working passively, that’s why he uses the example of the farmer. The farmer waits patiently for the land to yield its crop, waiting for the rains only God can bring. Where is God calling you to wait patiently? What next steps is He inviting you to take while you wait?

Day 2: Read James 5:8. For long fuse patience James adds stand firm with determination. The word for stand firm means strengthen your heart. How has God strengthened your heart? Where do you need that strength as you face the day ahead?

Day 3: Read James 5:10. James tells us about the prophets so that we build our lives on words that last. Think of the words those prophets spoke for God of “do not be afraid.” Or “God will never leave you nor forsake you.” When suffering comes what words from God do you hold on to as you face the problem?

Day 4: Read James 5:9, 12. You might call these verses warning signs that our patience is waning, and our impatience is leading us to worrying. What warning signs do they trigger as you seek to respond with patience? Where do you need to pray for God’s help as you face problems?

Day 5: Read James 5:11. Job’s patience power is his perseverance. He never let’s go of God. He never gives up his faith, no matter how many troubles he faces or how horrific the losses he experiences. How has God been developing your patient perseverance muscle? Where might He be stretching you to hold on to Him?

Day 6: Read Job 13:15. Job never gets the answer to the why question. You may or may not either. What Job does get is Job gets that God knows him intimately. Even more Job gest a deeper faith because Job’s perseverance leads to a patient hope that God is Job’s redeemer, and that Job will see God. No matter the suffering that has come, no matter even death calls, God gets the final word and that gives Job perseverance, patience, and hope. How do you remind yourself that God knows you intimately? That you can trust Him? How has your faith grown in challenging times?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance” by Charles R. Swindoll (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • “Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life” by Craig Groeschel (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • "The Best Question Ever" by Andy Stanley (Amazon Kindle #ad)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.



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Day 1: Read James 4:7-10. When you think of submission what images come to mind? Good? Bad? Godly?  How do you respond to the observation “It’s hard to be prideful when you’re standing next to Jesus”?

Day 2: Read James 4:11-12. If you had a pride-ometer, what would the reading be?

Day 3: Read James 4:13-14. We measure life in minutes, James invites us to use God’s time frame, eternity, when measuring life. What difference in planning you day happens when you bring God’s eternal perspective to your life today? Tomorrow?

Day 4: Read James 4:15-17. If it is the Lord’s will – James wants us to know our future as well as our present is in God’s hands. How have you experienced God’s hands at work in your life the past week?

Day 5: Read James 5:1-3. God gives us people to love and stuff to use. What’s the danger in confusing that order, loving stuff and using people? What’s the joyful blessing when we use stuff to love God and people?

Day 6: Read James 5:4-6. How have you found God faithful when you submit your wealth to God? How has He led you to find the joy of serving others, of investing earthly resources for eternal impact?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life” by Craig Groeschel (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • "The Best Question Ever" by Andy Stanley (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • “Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World” by Craig Groeschel (Amazon Kindle #ad)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

Heavenly Wisdom


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Day 1: Read James 4:1-2. Wisdom challenges us to ask ourselves two questions: 

  1. Who is calling the shots in my life? 
  2. What makes me do what I do in my life? 

How do you answer those 2 questions for your life?  How do your answers align with God’s answers for your life?

Day 2: Read James 3:13. Think of the wisest person you know. Does their wisdom match James' contention that wisdom isn’t based on what you know, but what you show?

Day 3: Read James 3:14-16. For James what is the danger of “earthly wisdom”? Why is it so dangerous? How have you seen it at work in others? Yourself? Where do you need to ask for forgiveness today?

Day 4: Read James 3:17-18. For James what are the benefits of “heavenly wisdom”? Why is it such a blessing? How have you seen it at work in others? Yourself? Where do you need to ask for heavenly wisdom to be at work in your life today?

Day 5: Read James 4:2-3. For Andy Stanley the best question ever is to ask, “In light of my past experience, my present circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?” Think of a decision you’re wrestling with today. Pray about it through Andy Stanley’s question. How do you sense God leading you?

Day 6: Read James 4:4-6. James realizes humility is not our default response to life. Humility does not come naturally, but supernaturally. Who is a humble person you know? How do you see God at work through their humility? Through your humility?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:


You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

Life Building Words


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Before you speak this week -- T.H.I.N.K. --

  • T – is it Truthful?
  • H – is it Helpful?  
  • I – is it Inspirational?  
  • N – is it Necessary?  
  • K – is it Kind?

In addition, consider using this prayer this week:

“Lord, do something with my words this week.  Instead of me trying to control my tongue, I’m trusting you to guide my words.  I’m asking for your help.  I’m asking for your strength.  Jesus, guide me into honest words.  Honest words of love.  Guide me into careful words of love.  Guide me into building words of love.  I’m asking for your help because I know you love me. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.”  

Day 1: Read James 3:1-2. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin asks “Can you go 24 hours without saying (or thinking) any unkind words about, or to, another person?” What words have you spoken in the last 24 hours that built someone up?  

Day 2: Read James 3:7-8. You wonder why you and I get in trouble with our words, we are sinners. Sinful words slip out because sin slips out, stumbles out. Words once spoken don’t automatically come back. Where do you need to ask for forgiveness today from God? From someone else?

Day 3: Read James 3:3-4. James wants us to understand the tongue directs where your life goes like a bit on a horse or a rudder on a ship. Look over the past day what direction do your words have you going toward building relationships or away from them?

Day 4: Read James 3:5-6. When have you been “burnt” by someone’s words? Whose words encouraged you to move forward in life? What kind of fires did your words start yesterday? To help or hurt others?

Day 5: Read James 3:9-10. When you speak words that bless or curse, God is always there, always hears? Take time now to praise God with your words in 4 specific statements of praise. Set aside today to repeat this exercise!

Day 6: Read James 3:11-12. Think through 2 sets of words you spoke to someone yesterday? Evaluate them in the T.H.I.N.K. paradigm. Were they Truthful, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, Kind? Why or why not?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World” by Craig Groeschel (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • “Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just” by Timothy Keller (Amazon Kindle #ad)
  • “Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road” by Timothy Keller (Amazon Kindle #ad)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.



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Day 1: Read James 2:14-16. James understands God gives faith to be lived out, God’s love experienced and expressed to the world around us. Where is God providing you the opportunity to experience and express His love to others? 

Day 2: Read James 2:17-20. James says not only is faith more than your feelings, it’s also more than an intellectual exercise in what you think. Faith is meant to change our lives to live with compassionate generosity. How has your life been changed by someone’s compassionate generosity? Who might claim their life has been changed by your compassionate generosity? Why?

Day 3: Read James 2:21-22. Our faith is not determined by what you do, it’s demonstrated by what you do. How do you see that at work in Abraham’s life in these verses? What might others understand about your faith based on the way you demonstrate it?

Day 4: Read James 2:23-24. Only time in the Bible someone is called God’s friend. Thanks to Jesus that’s what God calls you, God’s friend, even better God’s child. As God’s friend and as God’s child, God challenges us to sacrificial obedience not to see how much we love Him but for you and me to discover how much we love Him. As you look at your life, how are you showing God you love Him? Where are you seeing God loves you?

Day 5: Read James 2:25. Rahab risks protecting the Israeli spies so that her family will be spared. She trusts their God is more powerful, is to be believed and so she takes a risk to put God’s love in action. Where is God calling you to take a calculated risk to put His love in action?

Day 6: Read James 2:26. For James doing good, loving others is like breathing, it feeds your body with the good stuff and lets out the bad stuff with each breath. Such love builds community. Take time today to a breath prayer – As you breathe in pray, “Thank You Jesus for loving me” and pray as you breathe out “So I can love others.” Pray this at least 10 times and then at different times throughout the day.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just” by Timothy Keller (Amazon Kindle)
  • “Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road” by Timothy Keller (Amazon Kindle)
  • “Now You’re Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage” by Gary Chapman (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

Mercy And Love for All


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Day 1: Read James 2:1. We are to treat everyone with the same respect. We know this, but we often fail to do it. Why? 

Day 2: Read James 2:2-4. When have you been a victim of discrimination? Seen someone discriminated against? What led to such discrimination? What lesson did you learn to next time it happens to treat others with respect?

Day 3: Read James 2:5. We get in trouble when we think earthly wealth is the goal, that is ours by our hard work and not by God’s gracious hand. What is the advantage for James in being poor? How has God made you wealthy? How are you putting that wealth to a godly use?

Day 4: Read James 2:6-7. How have  you seen or experienced the poor being dishonored? What might you do to show honor to those in need? Where do you need to ask God for forgiveness?

Day 5: Read James 2:8-11. According to James if you break one law, you break them all. Favoritism is as sinful as adultery. How does love fulfill the law? Why is God’s love and forgiveness so essential for such a life of love?

Day 6: Read James 2:12-13. We tend to be selective in our mercy. If someone is "one of us" we'll overlook an offense, we'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But if someone is an outsider (different political views, COVID response, social standing), we tend to judge them more critically. How might you learn to reach across the divide our world makes and have Jesus as the bridge of connection?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road” by Timothy Keller (Amazon Kindle)
  • Now You’re Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage” by Gary Chapman (Amazon Kindle)
  • Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: Persevering Through Pressure” by Charles R. Swindoll (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

Listen Do Continue


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Day 1: Read James 1:19-20. How’s your track record of following James’ command – slow to speak, quick to listen, slow to become angry? What happens when you are quick to speak, slow to listen, quick to become angry? Where do you need to pray for forgiveness and ask someone for forgiveness today?

Day 2: Read James 1:21. Look back over the past week and your time in God’s Word, what seeds of faith has God been planting in your life? How are such steps of faith taking root in your life?

Day 3: Read James 1:22. James realizes the test of how well you have heard God’s Word. You only believe the parts of the Bible you actually do. What do your actions reveal about how well you have heard God’s Word? What area of your life do you need to pray today: “God, lead me to live your life building Word today!”?

Day 4: Read James 1:23-24. God wants us to see what needs to be fixed. God also wants us to see what we can be. God wants you to take a long look into what God wants you to be. As you look at the mirror of your life for the past 24 hours, what sins do you need to confess? Where do you see Jesus making you who God wants you to be?

Day 5: Read James 1:25. Reflect on the law of God, because the more you reflect on God's law, the more your life will reflect God's presence. Don't look intently at yourself, look intently at what God wants you to be. Reflect on that image so that you can reflect that image. Take time to re-read this verse and reflect on God’s message for you today. (Reflect – a great practice when you read God’s Word!)

Day 6: Read James 1:26-27. Our world’s philosophy of life is: What’s in it for me? That’s the decision-making grid for most in how to live life each day. James shares God’s philosophy of life: What can I do for them? That’s how you live out God’s love for others. How have others served you this week? How have you served them?  Be alert and aware today to God’s promptings and grace to serve others.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Now You’re Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage” by Gary Chapman (Amazon Kindle)
  • “Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: Persevering Through Pressure” by Charles R. Swindoll (Amazon Kindle)
  • "The Problem of Pain" by C. S. Lewis (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

When Temptations Knock


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Day 1: Read James 1:13. What’s interesting in this first chapter of James is not only when temptations keep coming, so will trials. If that weren’t enough James uses the same Greek word for trials or temptations. So what’s the difference between the two? Their source and their goal. God uses trials to help us grow. Satan uses temptation to lead us to sin. Think about a challenge you are facing. How is Satan using it as a temptation? How is God using it as a trial to make you stronger?

Day 2: Read James 1:14-15. Satan follows a consistent 3 step process with temptation: Desire. Disobedience. Death. It is not that every time you and I give in to temptation and sin, that we die. We have the forgiveness of Christ that we can hold on to and receive. Where have you seen this pattern at work in your life? Where do you need to ask for forgiveness? To pray to the Holy Spirit for strength?

Day 3: Read James 1:16. Central to dealing successfully with temptations is to refuse to be deceived, fooled or hoodwinked. How has Satan used that tactic in your life in the past? Where might he be seeking to deceive you in your life today?

Day 4: Read James 1:17. When temptations and trials come knocking, James wants us to know God is not the enemy. God is the source of goodness. Give thanks for 5 gifts of goodness you have seen God provide in the last 24 hours.

Day 5: Read James 1:18. While Satan uses desire as bait to hide temptation’s hook, to catch you. God uses first-fruits to give you a glimpse of the great work His grace can do in your life. Where have you seen God’s grace at work in your life this week?

Day 6: Read James 1:12. Even when you fall into temptation, you bite the bait, you’ve done what’s wrong. Satan will seek to keep you down, and Jesus arms extend from a cross to lift you up. Ask God to forgive your sin then rejoice in the forgiveness, mercy and grace God gives to you this day!

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: Persevering Through Pressure” by Charles R. Swindoll (Amazon Kindle)
  • "The Problem of Pain" by C. S. Lewis (Amazon Kindle)
  • "Lessons from the Navy" by Mark Brouker (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.

When Problems Come


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Day 1: Read James 1:1. To those facing the problem of being dislocated from their home, he says “Greetings!” Another way of saying, “Rejoice!” Perhaps in your life you experienced a forced move, did the word rejoice come up as you moved?

Day 2: Read James 1:2-4. What happens is not the source of our considering it pure joy. The source of pure joy is the work Jesus is doing, the perseverance muscle He is building or in an oven’s case baking. Perseverance builds strength and finds growth from facing problems. Where has God built perseverance in your life? Where might He be building perseverance in your life today?

Day 3: Read James 1:5. In those “light bulb” moments when God pours out His wisdom, He leads you in the next best step to take in facing your problems and even more in following Him. When have you sensed God’s wisdom at work in your life? Where do you need to ask for His wisdom to be at work right now? 

Day 4: Read James 1:6-8. The prayer for wisdom is not a prayer for a divine explanation. The temptation is to pray how do I get out of this? Better to pray, how can I grow through this? Take time to pray for God’s wisdom to work in a specific situation in your life today.

Day 5: Read James 1:9-10. James doesn’t hate rich people. James does realize the trap riches can bring. If you live in America, you and I are considered on the rich side of the spectrum in the eyes of the world. Where might riches be pulling you away from God? How will you keep Him first in your life?

Day 6: Read James 1:11. James doesn’t put that verse in to be mean to rich people. Abraham was rich. David was rich. You are rich. James puts that verse in as a warning light when problems come, faith works. Faith perseveres because its source is God. What pulls you focus towards “stuff”? What pulls your focus toward God? What warning lights are set up in your life to warn you your stuff is taking over what’s most important? Guiding lights to connect you with God as your top priority?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • "The Problem of Pain" by C. S. Lewis (Amazon Kindle)
  • "Lessons from the Navy" by Mark Brouker (Amazon Kindle)
  • "The Gospel According to Hamilton: Seeing God in the Broadway Musical" by Jeff Hamling (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.