Desperate Faith
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Photo by Tony Eight Media on Unsplash
Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 119:65-68.
Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 119:69-72.
Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 4:16-17.
Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 4:20-22.
Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 9:20-22.
Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 9:23-26.
Our annual theme for 2022/2023 is "DEVOTED" from Acts 2:42.
Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):
- "Lutheranism 101 Baptism" by Charles Lehmann
- "The Soul Felt It's Worth: A 25-Day Devotional Journey Through the Music of Christmas" (The Trinity Project)
- "The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life" by Louie Giglio
Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.