Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Faith and the Word of Christ

Desperate Faith

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Day 1 (Monday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 119:65-68.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Psalm 119:69-72.

Day 3 (Wednesday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 4:16-17.

Day 4 (Thursday): Practice Lectio Divina with Romans 4:20-22.

Day 5 (Friday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 9:20-22.

Day 6 (Saturday): Practice Lectio Divina with Matthew 9:23-26.

Our annual theme for 2022/2023 is "DEVOTED" from Acts 2:42. 

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.