Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Create For Community

Start With The Heart


When you start with a generous heart:

  1. You live out of gratitude, not guilt.
  2. Your life flows from the savior’s desires, not your desires for stuff.
  3. You seek to build a legacy that blesses, not burdens others.

You can grow your generous heart this week with …

Monday: Read 2 Corinthians 8:1b-2. Who modeled/models generosity for you? How has that person’s generosity impacted your own?

Tuesday: Read 2 Corinthians 8:5. When have you given out of guilt? Why? What impact did “guilt giving” have on you? When have you given out of gratitude? Why? What impact did “gratitude giving” have on you?

Wednesday: Read Luke 12:15. What is an area of greed in life that tempts you? When does stuff get in the way of the Savior?

Thursday: Read Luke 12:16. As you look at all you have in life, take time today to thank God for His generosity to you.

Friday: Read 1 Chronicles 28:2. As you look at family and friends that have influenced your life, how have they blessed you? How are you passing on such blessings to others?

Saturday: Read 1 Chronicles 28:9-10. Consider your faith legacy. What values do you want to pass on to the next generation? What impact and influence for God do you want to have on our community?

You can GO DEEPER this week by:

 You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

Holding Everything Together When Your World Falls Apart


Monday: Titles reveal important information about the person to whom they refer. What are Jesus Christ’s titles in the following passages? John 13:13, Acts 2:36, Revelation 19:16. Summarize what these titles reveal about Jesus?

Tuesday: Read Colossians 1:16-17, Colossians 1:18, Romans 14:9. What do these passages say Jesus is the Lord of? Write your own definition of the word “Lord” as you feel it applies to Jesus.

Wednesday: Read Philippians 2:9-11. How has God exalted Jesus? What does it mean to “exalt”? How will every person exalt Jesus?

Thursday: Read Colossians 1:18. What place should Christ hold in a believer’s life? Read Romans 12:1. What does this passage command us to do? Why should we do this?

Friday: Read Jeremiah 29:11. How do passages like this one from Jeremiah help you to dispel fears? What are some areas in your life where there is fear? What are concrete steps you can take to surrender these areas to King Jesus?

Saturday: Read 1 Peter 5:6-7. Whenever you assume control of your life, you will soon become unhappy and anxious. What did Peter say you can do? Pray that God would help you to do what you just said.  

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

Sing Together for Joy


Monday: Read Psalm 98:7-8. If you were to picture nature praising God as the psalmist describes, what would your picture of nature praising God look like? Why?

Tuesday: Read Psalm 98:1. How does music enhance your life of worship? Is there a new (or old) song/hymn that speaks powerfully into your life for praising God? Why has it become so special to you?

Wednesday: Read Psalm 98:6. As you go throughout your day today, how can you live your life with the LORD as King? Why is it important to remember no matter what happens (or who is elected), the LORD is still King?

Thursday: Read Psalm 98:2. How did you come to know God as Savior? How might God be using you to lead someone else to know Him? Pray for someone to come to know Jesus who doesn’t know Him as Savior yet.

Friday: Read Psalm 98:9. Take some time to confess your sins to God. Take time to name them. The Good news is the God who comes to judge also comes to reconcile. Ask God for forgiveness. Thank Him for the forgiveness He gives through Jesus.

Saturday: Read Psalm 98:3. Give thanks for God’s gift of salvation in your life. Pick a nation (people group of the world) to pray to come to know Jesus as their Savior.

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life by Louie Giglio.

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.


2020s: Look To The Great Work Of The Future


Monday: Read Hebrews 12:1. Therefore in verse 1 refers back to all the heroes of faith from the Old Testament listed in Hebrews 11. As you look at your faith life, who are some of the heroes of faith from your past? What difference have they made in your life of faith? Who might list you as their hero of faith?

Tuesday: Read Deuteronomy 11:1. Why is love such a key word when you think of God’s commands? What happens when love is absent from obedience? What helps you remember God’s great love for you?

Wednesday: Read Hebrews 12:2. What takes your eyes off Jesus? What helps you to keep your eyes on Him?

Thursday: Read Deuteronomy 11:18-21. How did you become a follower of Jesus Christ? Who did God use to connect your hand to His? Who can you pray for to come to know Jesus?

Friday: Read Hebrews 12:3. How are you being encouraged to live out your Christian faith? Who can you encourage today?

Saturday: Read Luke 8:21. What practical change in your daily routine would help you listen to God’s Word better?

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the books:

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

2010s: Building A Faith That Will Weather The Inevitable Storms Of Life


Monday: Read Psalm 46:1. When everything shakes in life, God remains unshaken. What in your life is “shaking”? Where do you need to seek God’s “ever-present help in trouble”? Spend time in prayer giving God what is shaking in your life, and receiving from God His present help.

Tuesday: Read Psalm 46:2-3. Notice how the psalmist starts with “Therefore we will not fear”. Why is it important to first look at God before you look at your fear? As you consider what fears you might face in life, how can you turn them over to God in prayer?

Wednesday: Read Psalm 46:4-5. The psalmist’s description of a river in Jerusalem is an abundant gift of water in a city with major water issues at the time. The picture painted is God’s abundant and generous provision. Reflecting on God’s abundant provision in your life, take time to give Him specific thanks for what He has given in your life.

Thursday: Read Psalm 46:6-7. The psalmist looks at the world scene in verse 6. Feel free to list the major world and national issues we are facing today and give them to God in prayer. Even more so, spend time thinking how the Lord Almighty is with you. Think of a reminder to use throughout the day to remember God is with you, that He is your fortress. As you look at your life yesterday, how did you sense God’s presence?

Friday: Read Psalm 46:8-9. Dallas Willard used to say, “I’ve found God’s address. It is at the end of my rope.” The psalmist is facing shaky times that leave him feeling at the end of his rope. To keep his eyes on His unshakeable God, he lists God’s mighty acts that demonstrate God’s power. As you look at the world today, where do you need to remember God’s mighty acts? Where do you need to remember God is greater than any earthly power?

Saturday: Read Psalm 46:10-11. “Be still, and know that I am God”. Be still might be better translated as “Cease striving”, literally “let go of your grip”. What is shaking in your life that you need to let go of? One way the psalmist has suggested how to do that throughout the psalm is using the word Selah. No one is totally certain about what the word means. My favorite suggestion comes from the Amplified Version of the Bible which explains Selah as “pause, and calmly think of that”. As you look at today’s verses and your life with God, set aside some time to pause and think about our great God, Who remains unshaken.

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the books:

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.


2000s: Developing Deep Faith Relationships


Monday: Read 1 John 3:1. If you are God’s child and he is the Father of all Christians, what does this tell you about your relationship to other believers?

Tuesday: “Fellowship” comes from the Greek word koinonia, which means “sharing in common.” God has given you much to share. As you examine the following verses, determine what you can share with others and one practical way to share it. Read 1 John 4:11, 21; Galatians 6:2, 6; and James 5:16.

Wednesday: Read Matthew 5:22-24. Christians fellowship together on the basis of the fact that they are forgiven sinners - forgiven, yes, but still sinners. Knowing this fact, what is your responsibility toward your brother when you have offended him?

Thursday: Read Proverbs 27:17 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. According to each of these passages, why is fellowship important? Explain how you have personally been sharpened and strengthened in Christian fellowship.

Friday: Read Acts 2:42-47. What activities of the church in Jerusalem are mentioned? What are signs in these passages that the early church experienced deep and powerful community? What was the impact of this community on the world?

Saturday: Each believer is given different but important responsibilities in the body of the church. Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-27. Who gave the members their various functions? (1 Corinthians 12:18) What is God’s desire? (1 Corinthians 12:25) What attitudes can lead to disharmony in the body? (1 Corinthians 12:15, 1 Corinthians 12:16, and 1 Corinthians 12:21)  

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

1990s: Developing Dynamic Disciples for Christ


The Message was based on Matthew 4:17-19 with four key ideas: repent, work in the world, make Jesus your highest priority, and use your gifts.  We summarize this as a church with: Worship. Connect. Learn. Serve.

Monday: Read Matthew 4:17-19. Kendra Creasy Dean, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary interviewed more than 3000 teenagers. She discovered those teens who are committed Christians share four traits: They have...

  • a personal story about God they can share
  • a deep connection to a faith community
  • a sense of purpose
  • a sense of hope about their future

All dynamic disciples develop these four traits, regardless of age. As you reflect on these four in your life, where are you the strongest? Where do you need further growth in one (or all) four traits? How will you pursue such growth?

Tuesday: Read Mark 12:30. Repent: Time to turn life in God’s direction. When Jesus gave the Great Commandment, he spoke of loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As you think about turning your life to God, consider the re-turn you need towards God:

For your Heart, are you finding time on a daily and weekly basis to confess your sins? To repent, to get right with God? To respond to the purpose God has for your life?

For your Soul, when and how do you respond to God in the depth of your being? How does God feed your spirit, your emotions? What inspires you? Are you feeding your soul on God’s Word by yourself and with others?

For your Mind, what are you putting in your mind? Are you reflecting on God’s Word as you read it, as you hear it? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through God’s Word?

For your Strength, how are you responding physically to worship? Are you more in tune when you sit, when you stand? Have you set aside a physical place at home       (I call this “chair time”), to get in touch with God?

Wednesday: Read Matthew 4:17 and Acts 11:21. for the kingdom of heaven is near: God is now at work in the world through people like you and me.  Since the kingdom of heaven refers to God’s work in the world, where have you seen God at work in your life and the life of our community? Where are you praying for people to see God’s work?

Thursday: Read Matthew 4:19 and Isaiah 8:16-18. Come, follow me: Make Jesus your highest priority. What are the “signs and symbols” of other people’s lives that point you to God? Where are the “signs and symbols” of your life pointing people?

Friday: Read Matthew 4:19 and Acts 11:25-26. …and I will make you fishers of men: Jesus can make me and use me to fulfill God’s great vision. Who do you know that does not know Jesus? Are you praying for them? If you do not know someone by name, ask God to give you some names. Until then, pray for our community to know Jesus. Even more, pray for God to use you to lead someone to Jesus.

Saturday: Read Matthew 4:17-19. David Platt in his book Radical writes about disciples who are receivers and those who are reproducers. Receivers take in teaching. Reproducers take teaching and pass it on to others. In developing dynamic disciples for Christ in your life how are you receiving and where are you producing? Or think of it in terms of: Who disciples you? Who do you disciple?

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book Radical by David Platt.

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.


1980s: Should We Stay Or Should We Move?


Monday: Read Jeremiah 29:7. Ask God to grant peace and prosperity to East County and most of all for Jesus Christ’s influence and presence to be experienced. Pray for schools, first responders, and a spirit in our community that brings peace.

Tuesday: Read Jeremiah 29:11-13. Pray that God’s plans for each person in East County and our path to God’s preferred future are fulfilled. Pray that Christ Lutheran Church Ministries serves as a beacon of hope in our community.

Wednesday: Read 1 Timothy 2:1-2. Pray for all elected officials in city, county, state, and national offices. Pray for the upcoming election. Give thanks for their willingness to serve, and ask God to provide wisdom and boldness in the decisions they make.

Thursday: Read 1 Timothy 2:3-4. Pray for our community to know Jesus: His love, His sacrifice, His presence, His peace and the living relationship He desires for all people. Pray that our community divisions might find ultimate unity and peace in Jesus.

Friday: Read Matthew 16:18. Pray for churches in our community to know God’s Word and live out God’s Word in homes, workplaces, classrooms, recreation, shopping, and sports in ways that guide people to Jesus.

Saturday: Read Matthew 16:15-16. Pray for Jesus to be known as the Savior of the World, the promised One God sent to save us. Pray for your own witness of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for you and for all.

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book Loving the City: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City by Tim Keller.

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

1970s: "Communerosity" = We Invest In Community With Grateful Generosity

Monday: Read 1 Chronicles 29:12. How has God made you “wealthy”? How can you thank Him today for all that He has given you?

Tuesday: Read 1 Chronicles 29:14. Who is a model of generosity for you? Why? Who might see you as a model of generosity in their life?

Wednesday: Read 2 Corinthians 8:7. Where are you in the following four steps of generosity? Are you ready to take the next step?

  1. Become a first time giver.
  2. Become a regular giver.
  3. Become a tither.
  4. Become an extravagant giver.

Thursday: Read 2 Corinthians 8:5. What does it mean for you to give yourself to the Lord? Where do you have to guard against guilt being a motivation for giving? How have you tapped into God’s grace and generosity as your motivation to give? When do you most enjoy expressing generosity?

Friday: Read Matthew 6:21. Reflect on the following 2 statements and comment on how you think they are true in your life and what is going on in your heart right now.

  • “Giving reveals your heart”
  • “Giving shapes your heart”

Saturday: Read 1 Chronicles 29:14-16. In what ways besides giving money can you be generous to others in the name of Christ?

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book Satisfied by Jeff Manion.

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.

1960s: You’re Either A Missionary Or You Need One


: Read Acts 1:1-8. The instructions were clear; don’t start the mission until God’s Holy Spirit is powering it. Once the Holy Spirit showed up, what would the super-natural consequence be? What is your witness at home, in your neighborhood, at work, and beyond?

Tuesday: Read Acts 13: 46-48. Who do you think first rejected the Word of God as Paul and Barnabas spoke it? Have you ever shared God’s Word with someone who then rejected that Word? How did that make you feel? From this passage, to whom does God desire his Word to be carried?

Wednesday: Read Colossians 1:19-20. All Christians are carriers of the Good News of Jesus. We are God’s representatives, carrying His message to all people. How does this passage summarize the message we carry? What kind of peace does Jesus bring?

Thursday: Read Romans 10:13-15. This is a powerful and popular passage in which we see how it is that people can call on the name of the Lord to be saved. They need to believe in Jesus. To believe in Jesus they need to hear about Jesus. To hear about Jesus someone needs to teach them. Finally, the person who teaches them needs to be sent. Wow! Where do you see yourself fitting in this process?

Friday: Read Revelation 21:1-8. This passage gives us a beautiful and fearful picture of the new heaven and new earth that God will ultimately create. Why is it beautiful? Why is it fearful? How can this passage encourage and motivate you to take seriously your role in God’s great mission?

Saturday: Read Psalm 96:1-3. God’s mission has always been to all people, from every nation and language. How does this passage affirm that truth? Take a moment in prayer to praise and glorify God and pray for His mission to be mightily carried out in your life and in the life of your church.