The Message was based on Matthew 4:17-19 with four key ideas: repent, work in the world, make Jesus your highest priority, and use your gifts. We summarize this as a church with: Worship. Connect. Learn. Serve.
Monday: Read Matthew 4:17-19. Kendra Creasy Dean, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary interviewed more than 3000 teenagers. She discovered those teens who are committed Christians share four traits: They have...
- a personal story about God they can share
- a deep connection to a faith community
- a sense of purpose
- a sense of hope about their future
All dynamic disciples develop these four traits, regardless of age. As you reflect on these four in your life, where are you the strongest? Where do you need further growth in one (or all) four traits? How will you pursue such growth?
Tuesday: Read Mark 12:30. Repent: Time to turn life in God’s direction. When Jesus gave the Great Commandment, he spoke of loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As you think about turning your life to God, consider the re-turn you need towards God:
For your Heart, are you finding time on a daily and weekly basis to confess your sins? To repent, to get right with God? To respond to the purpose God has for your life?
For your Soul, when and how do you respond to God in the depth of your being? How does God feed your spirit, your emotions? What inspires you? Are you feeding your soul on God’s Word by yourself and with others?
For your Mind, what are you putting in your mind? Are you reflecting on God’s Word as you read it, as you hear it? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through God’s Word?
For your Strength, how are you responding physically to worship? Are you more in tune when you sit, when you stand? Have you set aside a physical place at home (I call this “chair time”), to get in touch with God?
Wednesday: Read Matthew 4:17 and Acts 11:21. for the kingdom of heaven is near: God is now at work in the world through people like you and me. Since the kingdom of heaven refers to God’s work in the world, where have you seen God at work in your life and the life of our community? Where are you praying for people to see God’s work?
Thursday: Read Matthew 4:19 and Isaiah 8:16-18. Come, follow me: Make Jesus your highest priority. What are the “signs and symbols” of other people’s lives that point you to God? Where are the “signs and symbols” of your life pointing people?
Friday: Read Matthew 4:19 and Acts 11:25-26. …and I will make you fishers of men: Jesus can make me and use me to fulfill God’s great vision. Who do you know that does not know Jesus? Are you praying for them? If you do not know someone by name, ask God to give you some names. Until then, pray for our community to know Jesus. Even more, pray for God to use you to lead someone to Jesus.
Saturday: Read Matthew 4:17-19. David Platt in his book Radical writes about disciples who are receivers and those who are reproducers. Receivers take in teaching. Reproducers take teaching and pass it on to others. In developing dynamic disciples for Christ in your life how are you receiving and where are you producing? Or think of it in terms of: Who disciples you? Who do you disciple?
You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book Radical by David Platt.
You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.