Monday, January 13, 2025
At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit comes upon him publicly for his messianic work according to the trinitarian plan. Jesus’ baptism and his fulfilling of that divine mission are the basis for and give significance to John’s baptism and to all subsequent Christian Baptisms and outpourings of the Spirit upon the baptized. As the Spirit is poured out on Jesus, so also he will pour out the Spirit on those he baptizes—those who are baptized in his name.
Why do you think people like to celebrate big moments in their lives publicly?
After the icebreaker, read Luke 3:15-22.
Along with the Spirit, in a sense, the fire of God’s wrath (Lk 3:17) is also placed on Jesus at his baptism because Jesus is baptized with the baptism intended for sinners who need repentance and cleansing. He didn’t need this baptism but did it to fulfill the law. Why do you think Jesus, the Son of God, would choose to be baptized by John? What does it reveal about God's character and His relationship with us?
Jesus identifies with us in every way. How can we more fully identify with others struggling or needing God’s love?
What is the significance of God publicly declaring His love for Jesus at His baptism? How might it feel to have God publicly affirm you in such a personal way? Sometimes, we struggle with seeking approval or feeling unseen. How can we remind ourselves of God’s love for us, especially during difficult moments?
In a divided world, baptism is a symbol of unity in Christ. How can we build bridges of unity with other believers despite differences? What does it look like to remember our shared identity as Christians when we’re frustrated, hurt, angry, etc.?
End with a prayer, thanking God for revealing His love through Jesus' baptism. Ask God to help each person live out their baptismal calling.