Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide




Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to a church facing conflict. In 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:2, Paul reminds the church that their hope and new life come not from human strength or eloquence but from God’s work in Christ, who reconciles the world to Himself and makes believers a new creation.


If you could step into any famous painting or piece of art, which would you choose and why?

After the icebreaker, read 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:2.

In Michelangelo's “The Creation of Adam,” there’s a small gap between Adam’s and God’s fingers. How does this image compare to the sin-created gap between humanity and God?

In Christ, we are a "new creation"! In the waters of baptism, we died with Him and were raised with Him! Alleluia! But what does it mean? How have you experienced this “newness” in your life? In your failures? In your sin?

Paul writes in verse 19 that God is “not counting people’s sins against them.” Why is this message essential for us to embrace personally? How does it shape our relationships with others?

Paul faced criticism and opposition in Corinth. How can his example encourage you when sharing your faith or facing challenges as a Christian? Verse 20 calls us “ambassadors for Christ.” What does this look like in your daily life? How can you be a “voice from the edge” sharing God’s hope in ordinary moments?

Paul entrusted the church with the ministry of reconciliation. What practical steps can your Life Group take to bring healing and hope to your community?

Close with prayer, asking God to help us be a community that forgives, loves, and has mercy. Ask God for strength so the church would be good ambassadors for King Jesus.


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