Sunday, October 20, 2024
Mark 10:23-31 continues Jesus’ encounter with the rich man, following his sad departure after being challenged to give up his possessions. Here, Jesus speaks to his disciples about the difficulty of becoming detached from worldly things. He ends with a promise that those who sacrifice for the gospel's sake will receive manifold rewards in this life and in the future. After the icebreaker, read Mark 10:23-31 aloud.
Icebreaker: What’s one thing you would have difficulty giving up, and why?
Jesus makes a striking statement about how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. What are your initial reactions to this? What do you think Jesus means by comparing a rich person entering heaven to a camel passing through the eye of a needle? Why do you think He used such a vivid image?
The disciples are astonished and ask, “Then who can be saved?” Why do you think the disciples reacted this way? Jesus responds, “With man, it is impossible, but not with God.” How does this statement change how we view salvation? What does it reveal about the nature of God’s grace?
Reflect on your life: are there areas where you feel attached to material possessions or status that might hinder you from fully following Christ? Is there anything else you’re holding onto that might impair you following Jesus (unforgiveness, bitterness, etc.)?
What might God call you to let go of or reprioritize to trust Him more fully?
End with a prayer asking for God’s help in letting go of things holding us back from following Him. Consider using Martin Luther’s words in the prayer: “Everything I’ve held in my hands, I’ve lost. Everything I have put into God’s hands, I still have.”