Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

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September 2024


Start with context:

James 3:1-12 deals with the power of the tongue and the importance of controlling our speech. James warns about the dangers of unrestrained speech and highlights the inconsistency that can arise when our words are not aligned with our faith. He uses vivid imagery to illustrate the destructive potential of the tongue and the need for it to be governed by wisdom and grace. This passage follows his discussion on the need for wisdom and the appropriate conduct of believers.

Read James 3:1-12 aloud.

James begins by addressing teachers (those who have authority and instruct others on Christian doctrine and disciplines) specifically. Why do you think he starts there? Without being judgmental, who have been some people in authority who are poor examples regarding the use of words? Who are some good examples?

Reflect on the metaphors James uses, such as the bit in a horse's mouth and the rudder of a ship. How do these images help us understand the power of our words?

One of the most prolific lines in James 3 is found in verse 9: “With the tongue, we praise our Lord and Father, and with it, we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.” How does this inconsistency reflect our inner spiritual state?

Reflect on how words have impacted you in life (positively or negatively). With that in mind, how can you be more mindful of our speech in various settings (e.g., at home, at work, in church)?

How can we seek wisdom and grace in our speech? What practical steps can we take to improve communication and ensure it reflects our Christian identity?

Conclude with a prayer, asking for God’s help in controlling your tongue and using it to bless others. Pray for wisdom, grace in your speech, and growth in reflecting Christ’s love through your words.

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Start with Context:

James is focused on practical Christian living and how faith is expressed through actions. James, the cousin of Jesus and a leader in the early church, wrote this epistle to address issues of faith and practice among believers. His letter emphasizes that genuine faith is evidenced by works, and he challenges Christians to live out their faith with integrity and sincerity.

Read James 2:1-10, and James 2:14-18 aloud.

James begins chapter 2 with a lesson on favoritism. Why is partiality a severe issue within the church? How does this reflect the values of the kingdom of God? Where have you been tempted to show favoritism (a very human thing!)?

Reflect on how James describes the treatment of the rich and poor. How does this teaching challenge or align with your own experiences and observations?

In James 2:14-18, James argues that faith without works is dead. What does James mean by this, and how does he use examples to support his point? Consider Martin Luther’s words: “We are saved by faith alone, but faith never comes alone…”

How does James’ teaching on faith and works challenge us? How does it encourage us?

Reflect on areas where you might struggle with balancing faith and works. How can you address these areas in your life?

Close with a prayer, asking for God's guidance and strength to overcome favoritism and to live out your faith with integrity and action. Pray for each other’s needs and for continued growth in living out the teachings of James.


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Recommended reading: “The Screwtape Letters.” Recommended movie: “Nefarious.”

Start with Context:

Ephesians 6:10-20 is the final section of Paul's letter, where he shifts focus to the theme of spiritual warfare. Paul uses the metaphor of armor to describe the resources and strength believers have in their battle against the spiritual forces of evil. This passage is grounded in the earlier exhortations to live out the implications of being a new creation in Christ, highlighting the need for spiritual vigilance and reliance on God's power.

Read Ephesians 6:10-20 aloud.

Spiritual warfare is an abstract concept. It’s not so much seen as it is felt. This warfare manifests itself through temptations, doubts, and conflicts that challenge our faith and integrity. On an extreme level, spiritual warfare can manifest itself through hearing voices, seeing visions, haunting dreams, etc. As a group, discuss the concept of spiritual warfare. What do we learn from Ephesians about the nature of our struggle and the spiritual realm from these verses? Is there a time when you felt like you were in a spiritual battle or “under attack”?

Though spiritual warfare may be different than regular warfare, St. Paul still encourages armor, albeit a different armor than we might wear if we were actually fighting a battle. Talk about the individual components. Discuss how each piece of the armor (truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, salvation, and the Word of God) can be practically applied in your daily life. How have these protected and equipped you in the past?

How can understanding that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces change our perspective on the challenges we face?

Reflect on which piece of the armor of God you feel most challenged to apply in your life. Why?

Identify specific ways to put on each piece of the armor of God. For example, how can you practice truth-telling and righteousness in your interactions?

Conclude with a prayer asking for God’s strength and protection as you seek to live out these principles. Pray for each other’s specific needs and challenges.

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