Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

SOLA SCRIPTURA: Scripture Alone



This week's message and GPS passages are Psalm 62:1-2 & Psalm 62:5-8, Galatians 2:15-21, & John 3:14-21.

A NOTE TO BEGIN: If sola Scriptura is the authority for theological discussion and sola gratia is the give of salvific grace, sola fide is how we acquire salvation: we are saved by faith alone. This does not mean that faith in and of itself is the primary good. Instead, it is the object of faith that is good: Christ. Salvation is given as a gift through Christ and is accepted by faith, not works. This distinguished the Reforems from the Catholic and Orthodox churches, which argue that works were part of the process of salvation (of which faith is also central). The reformers say that works play no salvific role in justification. Unfortunately, faith and works are often considered opposites in theological conversation. But the Reformation was not a question of faith versus works but about faith's relationship to works. Martin Luther, for example, writes in his Romans commentary, "Oh, it is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, this faith; and it is impossible for it not do good work incessantly. It does not ask whether there are good works to do, but before the question arises, it has already done them and is always the doing of them. He who does not do these works is a faithless man. He gropes and looks about after faith and good works and knows neither." Good works are the result of true faith.

Day 1 (Monday): After reading the above Background, consider these questions: (1) Other than faith in God, has there been a point in your life? (2) What was that like?

Day 2 (Tuesday): After reading the above Background, consider these questions: (1) In your life, how have the themes of "faith" and "works been presented to you? (2) How has that molded the way you've viewed God?

Day 3 (Wednesday): Read Galatians 2:15-21. In this passage, Paul emphasizes that we are justified (saved) by faith in Christ, not by works of the law. Though no one, other than Jesus, has been able to follow the law perfectly - we tend to become legalistic people, relying on our works to save us somehow. How have you fallen into this trap?

Day 4 (Thursday): Read John 3:14-21. In John 3, Jesus speaks about believing in Him for eternal life. What does "believing" look like?

Day 5 (Friday): Read John 3:14-21. In John 3, Jesus speaks about believing in Him for eternal life. We know that belief changes the heart, but does it also change attitudes, behaviors, etc.?

Day 6 (Saturday): Read John 3:14-21. In John 3, Jesus speaks about believing in Him for eternal life. What is the relationship between faith and works?

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):

Watch this week's sermon or read the entire message & GPS here.


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