Living Life As God Intended
Sunday, June 12, 2022
This week's GPS will help us to live in the F.L.O.W.:
- F: Faith is the firm foundation.
- L: Love is the driving force.
- O: Open is the action attitude.
- W: Worship is the daily response.
Day 1: Read John 16:15. When you think of God as “Trinity” what does that mean to you? What does it mean for your life?
Day 2: Read John 14:6-7. Based on what Jesus says in this verse, how is faith the firm foundation of your life?
Day 3: Read 2 Corinthians 13:14. What differences do you see in the way the world offers love and the way God offers love? How is the world’s way of loving at work in your life? How is God’s way of loving at work in your life?
Day 4: Read 2 Corinthians 13:11. God invites you to not only watch the way He works, but to get in on the action of His work in this world. How do you see yourself working with God in living out life this past week? How have you joined Him in His mission to connect people to Jesus with your words and works?
Day 5: Read John 14:19-21. When you pray to God what name for Him do you usually use? Usually not use? Why?
Day 6: Read John 16:15. How have you seen God as Trinity at work in your life this week? Where are you missing the flow of His presence at work in your life? Where have you been able to catch the flow of His work in you and through you?
Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities available on Amazon Books (#ads):
- "Delighting in the Trinity" by Michael Reeves
- Martin Luther’s Small and Large Catechism
- "Life Together in Christ: Experiencing Transformation in Community" by Ruth Haley Barton
You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.