Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

When Temptations Knock
Mercy And Love for All

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Day 1: Read James 1:19-20. How’s your track record of following James’ command – slow to speak, quick to listen, slow to become angry? What happens when you are quick to speak, slow to listen, quick to become angry? Where do you need to pray for forgiveness and ask someone for forgiveness today?

Day 2: Read James 1:21. Look back over the past week and your time in God’s Word, what seeds of faith has God been planting in your life? How are such steps of faith taking root in your life?

Day 3: Read James 1:22. James realizes the test of how well you have heard God’s Word. You only believe the parts of the Bible you actually do. What do your actions reveal about how well you have heard God’s Word? What area of your life do you need to pray today: “God, lead me to live your life building Word today!”?

Day 4: Read James 1:23-24. God wants us to see what needs to be fixed. God also wants us to see what we can be. God wants you to take a long look into what God wants you to be. As you look at the mirror of your life for the past 24 hours, what sins do you need to confess? Where do you see Jesus making you who God wants you to be?

Day 5: Read James 1:25. Reflect on the law of God, because the more you reflect on God's law, the more your life will reflect God's presence. Don't look intently at yourself, look intently at what God wants you to be. Reflect on that image so that you can reflect that image. Take time to re-read this verse and reflect on God’s message for you today. (Reflect – a great practice when you read God’s Word!)

Day 6: Read James 1:26-27. Our world’s philosophy of life is: What’s in it for me? That’s the decision-making grid for most in how to live life each day. James shares God’s philosophy of life: What can I do for them? That’s how you live out God’s love for others. How have others served you this week? How have you served them?  Be alert and aware today to God’s promptings and grace to serve others.

Recent additional GO DEEPER reading opportunities:

  • “Now You’re Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage” by Gary Chapman (Amazon Kindle)
  • “Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: Persevering Through Pressure” by Charles R. Swindoll (Amazon Kindle)
  • "The Problem of Pain" by C. S. Lewis (Amazon Kindle)

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.


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