Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Stay Faithful

Have Passion

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This week’s Grow Pray Study (G.P.S) Guide provides an opportunity for a devotional framework to finish reading through the book of Acts, and starting the book of Luke. Each day’s readings are a chapter from Acts and how the church began and still grows.

Before you read, pray:

“Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”

As you read each day, Pastor Burkey encourages you to use the S.O.A.P. method of devotional reading (Scripture, Observe, Apply, Pray):

  • Each day offers a Scripture reading.
  • Then a place to Observe what you’ve read, what’s happening, what key statements are made. 
  • Follow up as you Apply what you’ve just read:
    • How is God speaking to you through what you’ve read? 
    • Where is Jesus' story this week speaking into your life story this day? 
    • You might sense a sin to confess, an action to take, a word of thanksgiving or a special need to pray for someone.
  • Take time to Pray to what you have sense God saying to you in this time in His word. In addition, I suggest 2 sentence prayers to end your time with God. Lord, thank you for … ___________ ... Lord, I ask … ___________ … Then close, “In Jesus name. Amen.” 

Day 1: Read Acts 28. God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!

Day 2: Read Luke 1. Jesus is coming!

Day 3: Read Luke 2. Jesus is born!

Day 4: Read Luke 3. Prepare the way! 

Day 5: Read Luke 4 Jesus tempted!

Day 6: Read Luke 5. Jesus Calls His Disciples!

You can GO DEEPER this week by reading the book People in the Bible Barnabas: A good man, full of faith by Robert Dale.

You can also watch this week's sermon or read the full message & GPS here.


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