Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Red Letter Challenge – Week 1: Why the RLC? 

Red Letter Challenge: Being

Red-letter-challengeTIP! -- When you develop the habit of reading God’s Word, you can use these 3 questions that Pastor Burkey picked up from Pastor Tim Keller to go deeper in your study:

  • Adore: What did you learn about God for which you could praise or thank Him?
  • Admit: What did you learn about yourself for which you could repent?
  • Aspire: What did you learn about life that you could aspire to, ask for, and act on?

Monday - Day 7: Read Matthew 9:38 -- Pray earnestly.

Tuesday - Day 8: Read Luke 4:8 -- Worship the Lord your God.

Wednesday - Day 9: Read Mark 6:31 -- Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.

Thursday - Day 10: Read Matthew 6:17 -- And when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face.

Friday - Day 11: Read Luke 15:23 -- Let us eat and celebrate.

Saturday - Day 12: Read Mark 2:27 -- The Sabbath was made for man.

Sunday - Day 13 (Begin Week of Forgiving): Read Mark 1:15 -- Repent and believe the Good News.

More information about the Red Letter Challenge (RLC)!


You can watch this week's sermon message or read the full PDF of the sermon message & GPS.

CREATE FOR COMMUNITY: Construction is almost done! The grand opening celebration is planned for Sunday, February 9, 2019.



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