Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

New Beginnings
Imagine The Faith Force God Makes You

But God!!!

Screenshot 2019-07-27 at 11.32.59

Monday Read Jonah 4:1-10. God has shown grace and mercy to Jonah several times up to this point. He has also shown Jonah that He is the Creator. Why do you think Jonah is still so focused on getting his own way?

TuesdayRead Psalm 22. Psalm 22 was referenced by Jesus on the cross. Many people feel as though they could have written the same words David did in the Psalms. How does this Psalm speak to your life and faith right now?

WednesdayRead 1 Thessalonians 5:18. What are some circumstances sin your life that you struggle “giving thanks” for? How can that change as you realize that God has you in the palm of His hand, and is going to be there no matter what?

ThursdayRead Luke 9:23. Hans Urs Von Balthasar (1905-1987) said “Faith is a movement of the entire person away from himself, through the gift of grace.” Where do you need to move away from your own desires and cling to Jesus?

FridayRead Proverbs 3:5-6. When we lean on our own understanding, we are left with more questions than answers. When we lean on Christ, we may not have all the answers, but we know that we are leaning on the one who knows how eternity is going to pan out. How is that comforting to you?

Saturday (As you prepare for weekend worship) – Watch “I Can Only Imagine”. We are starting our new series “God’s Epic Story in Movies.” Take Saturday to watch the first movie “I Can Only Imagine,” and jot down some points of interest as you watch. 

On August 1st (Thursday Night Commons) we’ll begin our series “God’s Epic Story in Movies.” We’ll be looking at:

Don't forget you can watch this week's sermon message or read the full PDF of the sermon message & GPS.

CREATE FOR COMMUNITY PRAYER REQUESTS: For patience with parking challenges during construction (currently estimating completion by the end of August 2019). For safety and efficiency of our construction crews. For those who have given generously for these improvements.




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