Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Great Churches Serve With Christ’s Works & Words
Treasure In Jars Of Clay

Who God Is, Drives Everything.

Davide-cantelli-143765-unsplashPhoto by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Day 1: Read Genesis 1:1. In Genesis 1, we learn life is not an accident, but God created it from a divine plan. As you read the opening chapters of the Bible, you find thought and order in creation. You find love and community. You find purpose and destiny. Why did God create people? Why did God create you?

Day 2: Read Romans 8:14. God creates, not just to make a world, or a universe, but to build a family. Why is it important to see our relationship with God as being like a family? Why not a farm or a business or a sports team? What makes a relationship with God as being one of His children special to you?

Day 3: Read Genesis 3:9-11. God created a perfect world, and then Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and then discovered the pain sin brings. What pain does sin bring to your life? What pain does sin bring to God? Why do we need God’s help to get out of this sinful mess?

Day 4: Read Romans 8:15. God selects you to be a part of His family.  “I know your problems, your sins, but I choose you to be part of My family. You are special to me.” What is your greatest joy in being a child of God? For whom are you praying to be part of God’s family? Pray for them today!

Day 5: Read Romans 8:16. God sends the Holy Spirit so that you can grow as His child. Where have you seen yourself growing as a child of God since the start of 2018? Where do you sense God desiring for you to grow in the next month?

Day 6: Read Romans 8:17. Your inheritance as an heir in God’s family is not only what you get in heaven one day, but you can live out that inheritance in the world right now…God is with you. Where do you need to remind yourself of God’s presence, power, and peace at work in your life?

You can Go Deeper this week by reading the book: Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves.

Don't forget you can listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS. 



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