Intentional Acts Of Goodness
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Photo by Christian Spies on Unsplash
Day 1: Read Acts 10:38. Being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers you to do things that you weren't able to do before — to show compassion that doesn't come naturally,to be courageous when once you might have been full of fear, to be bold when before you were timid, to be generous when it's in your nature to be selfish. The Holy Spirit anoints you with power to do the work of God. How have you seen the Holy Spirit atwork in someone else’s life recently? In your life? Pray for a specific person, time, oractivity when you seek His power today. Reflect at the end of the day what happened
Day 2: Read Acts 10:34. Where are you tempted towards favoritism (politics,religion, nationalities, age, gender)? Where do you need the Holy Spirit’s power to see people as God sees them? That’s a great prayer to pray – “Holy Spirit, open my eyes today to see others like you do and to respond accordingly.”
Day 3: Read Acts 10:38. When you commit to go around doing good at every opportunity, you will find yourself in some situations sometimes that only God can get you through. Satan will seek to pull you apart, the Holy Spirit will seek to pull you through. As you have sought to live with intentional acts of goodness this week,where have you experienced some spiritual pressure points? Spiritual battles? How is the Holy Spirit helping you get through each day?
Day 4: Read Acts 10:43. Being good is not something we can accomplish on our own. In fact, many times the more we try to be good, the more we mess things up.This is why Good Friday and Easter Sunday are so important. When He died, the power of sin died with Him. He paid the price for every sin, past, present, and future.He was laid in a tomb, and then on Sunday morning His cold dead body suddenly came to life, a different kind of life, a resurrected life that proved once and for all that He has the power to overcome sin and death. Today, take time to confess your sins and give them to Him. Ask for His resurrection power as you go forth and live with intentional acts of goodness to express (not earn) His love.
Day 5: Read Acts 10:38. When God wants to do intentional acts of goodness in this world that demonstrate His love to others, you’re the app for that. You’re God’s app to show His presence to the world. Where did you apply God’s love yesterday? Where might He want you to be His app to apply His love today?
Day 6: Read Acts 10:39-40. As a church committed to Developing Dynamic Disciples for Christ, we want the love we celebrate in worship together, to be the love we live out in our world each week. You’re God’s app for that! Take time to stop, look,and listen today to where you can bring His intentional acts of goodness to the world.Take time before you go to sleep tonight to see how God used you to bring Christ’s love in your works and your words to others?
You can Go Deeper this week by reading the book Conspiracy of Kindness: A Unique Approach to Sharing the Love of Jesus by Steve Sjogren.
Don't forget you can listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.
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