Resurrection Faith In Times Of Grief
Sunday, April 02, 2017
Monday: Read Psalm 130:1. God is big enough to handle our emotions. When have you cried out to God from the depths? What did God do? Where might you need to cry out of the depths to God in prayer today?
Tuesday: Read John 11:21-22. In verse 21, Martha seems to blame Jesus – “if you had been here”, then in the next verse she holds on to hope with “even now” faith. What leads you to question God’s presence in your life? Where do you need an “even now” faith in God in your life today?
Wednesday: Read John 11:35. Jesus has told Martha that Lazarus will rise from the dead. He has already made his “I am the resurrection and the life” declaration, yet when he gets to the tomb, He weeps. Why? How does Jesus’ grief help you deal with your own grief?
Thursday: Read John 11:25-27. The power of the resurrection is not an event, but a person – Jesus. It’s not just what Jesus does. It’s who He is. What does it mean for your life today that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life? What does it mean for your life eternally that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life? Is there a difference in your answers to both questions? Why or why not?
Friday: Read Psalm 130:7-8. When you think of God’s hand toward you – is it more of an iron fist or an open hand? As you walk through the process of grief, where is your fist closed (hurting yourself and others) and where is your fist open (healing yourself and others)?
Saturday: Read Romans 8:11. When and how do you see the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead living in you? When and how do others see the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead living in you?
You can GO DEEPER this week by:
- If you are dealing with grief, then check out:
- Consider the 365-day devotional book Through a Season of Grief: Devotions for Your Journey From Mourning to Joy
- Read the book The Grave Robber by Mark Batterson
You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS