Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide

Sacrificial Living And Leading
Love - Words Of Affirmation

Created For Community

Community2The message this week was on Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) with a focus on building community through: love, spaces, relationships, and service.

Monday: Read Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV). When you think of community, what images come to mind? How do they line up with the images painted in these verses?

Tuesday: Read Acts 2:42 (NIV). Where have you seen love build community? How is God calling you to bring His love to our church, to your family, to our community, and to our world? (Make sure to join us in July for our look at the 5 Love Languages. If you have an iPhone, get the 5 Love Language app and take the profile or go online at

Wednesday: Read Acts 2:46-47 (NIV). Where are the places you meet with God on your own, with your family, and with others? Where do you need to create space in your life to spend time with God and be aware of His presence?

Thursday: Read Acts 2:42 (NIV). Where is God leading you to develop deep faith relationships? If you are part of a LIFE GROUP, how have you seen your faith grow deeper? If you are not in a LIFE GROUP, why? Are you ready to “get in” a LIFE GROUP this fall?

Friday: Read Acts 2:44-45 (NIV). These verses from Acts 2 often bring the fear of communism in how they are perceived. Yet their focus is on meeting the needs of others with the resources God provides. When we build out community, we serve with Christ’s love in our works and our words. How have others served you with Christ’s love? How are you serving others with Christ’s love?

Saturday: Read Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV). As you reflect on the GPS for this week, what lessons have you discovered about God’s desire to build community in your life? What next steps can you identify to which you will commit in the months ahead to build community not only for yourself, but also for others?

You can go deeper this week by:

  • Build Up Community: Start with Love – Read the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Download the app at iTunes or go to
  • Build For Community: Create Space – Look at your schedule, block out time for one- on-one time with God and time for being with others (like worship each weekend).
  • Build In Community: Develop Deep Faith Relationships – Give thanks for your LIFE GROUP. If not in a LIFE GROUP, use the connection card for information to “get in”.
  • Build Out Community: Serve with Christ’s Love – Pray for those going to Paraguay and be a part of the School Supply Packing Event.

You can also listen to this week's message or read the full PDF of the message & GPS.


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