Sunday, February 09, 2025
In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus calls Simon (later Peter), James, and John to be His disciples after performing the miraculous fish catch. This event happens after Jesus has been preaching and healing in the region, setting the stage for His calling of these fishermen to become "fishers of men." The passage highlights a physical miracle and the spiritual transformation that begins with Jesus’ call. Overwhelmed by the miraculous catch, Peter recognizes his own unworthiness in contrast to Jesus’ holiness, yet Jesus calls him into a new purpose: to follow Him.
Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt God was calling you to step out of your comfort zone? What was your response?
Read Luke 5:1-11.
What stands out to you about the miracle itself? After a fruitless night of fishing, Peter obeys Jesus' command to cast the nets again. Why do you think Peter responded in obedience despite his experience? Have you ever felt like you were doing something in your strength that wasn’t working, only to see God do something when you relied on Him?
Peter says, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” How did Peter’s reaction to the miracle reveal his understanding of who Jesus was? What does his response tell us about the nature of Jesus and the call to discipleship?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Peter, “From now on, you will fish for people”? What does it mean to be a “fisher of people” today? What might Jesus call you to leave behind to follow Him more fully? How can you take small steps to trust Jesus in areas where you’re hesitant to follow fully?
Jesus calls each of us to a unique role in His Kingdom. Whether it’s through serving others, sharing the gospel, or simply living faithfully in our daily lives, we are called to be His disciples. Where do you think you can be most helpful in building God’s Kingdom?
End with prayer, thanking God for the day, and asking for whatever you need in the week ahead.