Your Personal Grow-Pray-Study (GPS) Guide



In this passage, we see the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee, where He demonstrates His authority through teaching, healing, and casting out demons. Jesus’ authority, recognized first by the unclean spirit, is not only about His divine power but also reveals His mission to usher in the Kingdom of God, fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah.


What are the situations where someone has had authority over you (e.g., a boss, teacher, or parent)? How did you react to their authority? Why?

After the icebreaker, read Luke 4:31-44.

Jesus teaches with authority in the synagogue, and people are amazed. His teaching is not like the scribes but with power that makes them wonder about the source. What do you think made Jesus' teaching so different from the other teachers of the law? Since Jesus is not physically present now like he was then, how do we recognize His authority in our lives today? Where do we struggle to recognize it?

The demon recognizes Jesus as the "Holy One of God" and acknowledges His authority over the spiritual realm. Jesus rebukes the demon and heals the man, demonstrating that the Kingdom of God has power over evil. Why do you think the demon immediately recognizes Jesus as the "Holy One of God"? How can we understand spiritual authority today, especially in a world where many might dismiss the reality of the spiritual realm?

Jesus moved on from the town to proclaim the Kingdom of God to other cities, emphasizing that this was the purpose for which He was sent. Why is Jesus’ mission described as "proclaiming the Kingdom of God"? What does that phrase mean to you? Jesus’ authority extends to individuals and entire communities (notice that the emphasis is never on a personal relationship, per se…). What does it look like for you to join Jesus on this mission?

Wrap up the session by praying together, asking God to strengthen each person’s understanding of Jesus’ authority and how His Kingdom is alive and active today.



Jesus returns to His hometown of Nazareth after being tempted in the wilderness. He enters the synagogue and reads from the book of Isaiah, proclaiming that He is fulfilling the prophecy. His declaration shocks the people of Nazareth and causes a rift as they struggle with the idea that the Messiah, who they expected to bring blessings to Israel alone, might instead bring salvation to all—especially to Gentiles.


Have you ever been surprised by how God answered a prayer or worked in your life in a way you didn’t expect?

After the icebreaker, read Luke 4:16-30.

Why do you think Jesus started His public ministry by reading this prophecy from Isaiah? How does this passage reveal God’s heart for the poor, the oppressed, and the captives? Jesus leaves out the part about vengeance in Isaiah 61:2. Why might this be significant?

Initially, the people of Nazareth are amazed, but their amazement quickly turns to rejection when Jesus challenges their assumptions about who deserves God’s blessings. Jesus references Elijah and Elisha, pointing out that God’s blessings were sometimes extended to outsiders—Gentiles—rather than just to Israel. What is the crowd’s reaction to Jesus’ message, and why do you think they respond this way? When have you viewed others as “unworthy” of God’s love, blessings, or salvations?

The people in Nazareth rejected Jesus because He didn’t meet their expectations. Are there ways we may have wrong expectations about how God works in our lives? How can we learn to embrace God’s surprises?

Jesus was anointed to proclaim good news, heal the brokenhearted, and set people free. How can we be part of His mission to share this message of hope with others?

Wrap up the group time with a prayer, asking God to help everyone live out the mission of Jesus, proclaiming good news to those in need, and embracing His surprising ways.



In the Gospel of John, Jesus’ first miracle occurs at a wedding in Cana, where He turns water into wine. This miracle is one of seven “signs” in John, demonstrating Jesus' power and His identity as the Savior. Unlike the Synoptic Gospels, which focus on Jesus’ acts of healing and feeding the hungry, John highlights this miracle as an extravagant sign of grace, demonstrating God’s abundant provision.


What’s the most memorable party or celebration you’ve ever attended? What made it stand out to you?

After the icebreaker, read John 2:1-11.

Jesus tells His mother, “My hour has not yet come.”

  • How does this statement point to His ultimate mission?
  • How does this miracle at Cana anticipate the “hour” of His death and resurrection?
  • How does understanding the “hour” of Jesus’ glorification deepen your appreciation for this miracle?

Jesus meets a “need” here, but it seems relatively minor (the wine running out at a party).

  • What does this tell us about the nature of God's provision in our lives?
  • Is God concerned with the “big” and “small” things in our lives?

In verse 6, the servants fill six stone jars with water, each holding 20-30 gallons. That’s over 150 gallons of wine!

  • Why do you think Jesus provided such an abundant amount?
  • How does the abundance of wine reflect the nature of the salvation Jesus offers?
  • What does this tell us about God's generosity and grace?
  • What does it reveal about the ABUNDANT life God wants for us (John 10:10)?
  • What do you need to turn over to Jesus to have joy again?

End with prayer, thanking God for the abundant life offered through Jesus. Ask for help to live in that abundance daily and share love and generosity with those around us.


At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit comes upon him publicly for his messianic work  according to the trinitarian plan. Jesus’ baptism and his fulfilling of that divine mission are the  basis for and give significance to John’s baptism and to all subsequent Christian Baptisms and  outpourings of the Spirit upon the baptized. As the Spirit is poured out on Jesus, so also he will  pour out the Spirit on those he baptizes—those who are baptized in his name.
Why do you think people like to celebrate big moments in their lives publicly? 
After the icebreaker, read Luke 3:15-22.
Along with the Spirit, in a sense, the fire of God’s wrath (Lk 3:17) is also placed on Jesus at his baptism because Jesus is baptized with the baptism intended for sinners who need repentance and cleansing. He didn’t need this baptism but did it to fulfill the law. Why do you think Jesus,  the Son of God, would choose to be baptized by John? What does it reveal about God's character and His relationship with us? 
Jesus identifies with us in every way. How can we more fully identify with others struggling or needing God’s love?
What is the significance of God publicly declaring His love for Jesus at His baptism? How might it feel to have God publicly affirm you in such a personal way? Sometimes, we struggle with seeking approval or feeling unseen. How can we remind ourselves of God’s love for us, especially during difficult moments? 
In a divided world, baptism is a symbol of unity in Christ. How can we build bridges of unity with other believers despite differences? What does it look like to remember our shared identity as  Christians when we’re frustrated, hurt, angry, etc.? 
End with a prayer, thanking God for revealing His love through Jesus' baptism. Ask God to help each person live out their baptismal calling.



Epiphany is a season of revelation, where the Savior, the light of the world, is unveiled to the nations. The story of the magi highlights their dedication and sacrifice as they sought the newborn King, Jesus. These astrologers traveled great distances, bringing costly gifts and kneeling in worship. Their actions help us to ponder what worship really is.


What’s the most effort you’ve ever gone through to give someone a gift or surprise them? How did they react?

After the icebreaker, read Matthew 2:1-12.

The Magi probably came from modern-day Iraq to worship Jesus. That’s a journey of around 500 miles. Note that the Magi were not followers of Yahweh, the God of Israel … and yet they followed the star. King Herod was also not a follower of Yahweh. How do Herod’s and the magi’s responses to Jesus differ? What can we learn from this contrast?

Verse 11 says the magi “fell down and worshipped him.” What does this teach us about the posture of worship—physically, emotionally, and spiritually?

The magi brought costly gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh). Though there is undoubtedly a lesson regarding how we approach Jesus in worship, the greatest treasure present at the Savior’s side was the souls of the magi. Reflect on St. Paul’s words in Romans 12:1-2 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

Think about how you spend your time, talents, and resources. What might it look like to “worship Jesus” in the ordinary aspects of life? How can we guard against worshipping other things (e.g., careers, entertainment, possessions) instead of Jesus?

Close with prayer, thanking God for revealing Jesus to the world. Ask that we, like the magi, may continue to seek God diligently, offer our best, and worship wholeheartedly.



Paul wrote 2 Corinthians to a church facing conflict. In 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:2, Paul reminds the church that their hope and new life come not from human strength or eloquence but from God’s work in Christ, who reconciles the world to Himself and makes believers a new creation.


If you could step into any famous painting or piece of art, which would you choose and why?

After the icebreaker, read 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:2.

In Michelangelo's “The Creation of Adam,” there’s a small gap between Adam’s and God’s fingers. How does this image compare to the sin-created gap between humanity and God?

In Christ, we are a "new creation"! In the waters of baptism, we died with Him and were raised with Him! Alleluia! But what does it mean? How have you experienced this “newness” in your life? In your failures? In your sin?

Paul writes in verse 19 that God is “not counting people’s sins against them.” Why is this message essential for us to embrace personally? How does it shape our relationships with others?

Paul faced criticism and opposition in Corinth. How can his example encourage you when sharing your faith or facing challenges as a Christian? Verse 20 calls us “ambassadors for Christ.” What does this look like in your daily life? How can you be a “voice from the edge” sharing God’s hope in ordinary moments?

Paul entrusted the church with the ministry of reconciliation. What practical steps can your Life Group take to bring healing and hope to your community?

Close with prayer, asking God to help us be a community that forgives, loves, and has mercy. Ask God for strength so the church would be good ambassadors for King Jesus.



Advent is a season of preparation, not just for Christmas but for the lifelong journey of faith in this world. Zephaniah 3:14–17 invites us into the profound reality that joy is not the absence of sorrow but the presence of God amidst it. 


What’s a moment in your life when joy and sorrow were mixed together? (For example, a bittersweet goodbye, a tough challenge with a surprising blessing, or even a funny moment during a hard time)

After the icebreaker, read Zephaniah 3:14- 17 aloud. What words or phrases stand out to you in this passage? How does this text convey the seriousness of judgment and the beauty of God’s joy over His people? Consider the examples of Paul (Philippians 4:4–7) and John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2–6). How do their experiences show that joy is not dependent on circumstances? What does it mean that joy is found in “the presence of the Lord”?

How can you cultivate a sense of joy in Christ’s presence, even during times of pain or struggle? What does it look like for the church (working corporately, in small groups, and individually) to create a space where people feel supported in their sorrows and encouraged in their joys?

Zephaniah 3:17 says, “He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love.” How does this promise resonate with you today? Where do you need to hear God’s voice of rejoicing or experience His calming love?

As we approach Christmas, how can you share the message of joy in Christ’s presence with someone struggling? What practical steps can you take this week to be the presence of Christ in their life?

Close with prayer. Share your sorrows and joys. Embrace the eternal presence you have because of Jesus. Be encouraged to be present in the lives of others who need comfort.



This week’s text and homily invites us to reflect on Advent as a season not just for preparing for Christmas but for preparing for Jesus. John the Baptizer stands at the edge of the wilderness, calling us to repentance and readiness for the One who is to come.


What’s a time when you experienced both terror and wonder at the same moment?

After the icebreaker, read Luke 3:1-10 aloud.

What emotions or thoughts does the idea of the wilderness stir in you?

How does the wilderness setting of John the Baptizer's ministry challenge our comfort zones as we prepare for Jesus?

How does John’s urgent call to repentance apply to your life today?

What does the “fruit of repentance” look like?

Repentance often involves accountability. Who can help you stay accountable to live in a way that honors God?

John connects repentance with baptism. How does your baptismal identity shape how you live, especially during Advent?

John’s message reminds us that Jesus is not just a gentle, sentimental figure but a mighty King who rules over all. How does this reality bring both comfort and challenge to your faith?

How can acknowledging Jesus’ kingship influence your relationships, priorities, and decisions?

John calls his listeners to prepare for the coming of the Lord. What distractions or habits might keep you from thoroughly preparing your heart for Jesus?

Close in prayer, asking God to deepen your faith, grant you repentance, and fill you with hope as you await the return of Christ.



As we enter the season of Advent, we begin a new series called “Voices from the Edge,” and start in the rarely preached-on book of Revelation. In Revelation 21, we are reminded of who we are as the Bride of Christ. John’s vision offers us a glimpse of the church in her glory, adorned as a bride for her bridegroom. This vision not only stirs our hope for Christ’s return but also reminds us of our identity and calling in the present.


Share about a wedding you’ve attended or been part of that stood out to you. What made it memorable? How did it reflect love, joy, or commitment?

After the icebreaker, read aloud Revelation 21:1-5.

What stands out to you about John’s vision of the new heaven and the new earth? How does this imagery impact your understanding of God’s promises? 

John’s vision depicts the church as the Bride of Christ. What does it mean to you that you are part of this Bride? How does this identity shape the way you live and serve in your daily life? The church can sometimes lose its “beauty” as a bride and become downright ugly when argumentative or hateful. How have you seen the church as “Bridezilla?” How do we avoid that mentality and instead embrace the selfless love of Christ? 

Discuss the statement: “You can’t make yourself a bride. You are a bride because someone loves you.” How does this truth help us rest in Christ’s love rather than striving to earn it?

What does living as part of the Bride of Christ look like today? Make as many connections to marriage as you want (where appropriate). How can your group encourage one another to live in this identity?

As we close, pray, thanking Christ for his love, which makes us his Bride. Ask for open eyes to see where he is making all things new and hearts ready to reflect his love in the world.

Here is our Christmas 2024 Schedule!


Start With Context:

Jesus and His disciples are leaving the temple, and the disciples comment on its grandness. Jesus, however, shifts their focus to a sobering reality: the temple will be destroyed. This moment leads to a discourse about future trials, persecution, and the call for endurance in faith. Mark 13 is often referred to as the "Olivet Discourse," where Jesus discusses events that will unfold before the end times. In this passage, Jesus prepares His followers for the challenges they will face, encouraging them to stand firm and be "all in" despite the uncertainties and opposition they will encounter. 


As you think about the world today, the wars that rage, the ups and downs of the stock market, and everything else that may cause concern – what worries you most? What aspect of faith helps to put your anxiety in check?

After the icebreaker, read Mark 13:1-13 aloud.

When you think about Jesus predicting the temple's destruction, how might that have impacted the disciples, who saw the temple as a symbol of God's presence? How do you react when things you believe to be permanent or sacred are threatened or fall apart?

In Mark 13:5, Jesus warns His disciples, "See that no one leads you astray." What are some ways people can be led astray in their faith today? What practices or habits help us stay grounded in the truth of Christ?

Jesus warns of false prophets, wars, and natural disasters. How can you stay grounded in your faith and Scripture when your world seems chaotic?

Mark 13 13 says, "But the one who endures to the end will be saved." What does endurance look like in your faith journey right now? Share an example where you had to endure a difficult time and how your faith played a role in it.

End the meeting with a time of prayer. Pray for the strength to endure, trust in God's sovereignty, and for hearts that put their hope in Jesus, even when the road is hard.